Enrolment Form






The application form is not yet open/closed. For details, please visit the school's website for admission application information.

Please verify your email 首次使用需驗證你的電郵
Verification code sent to 驗證碼已傳送到:
Verification code error 驗證碼錯誤
Cannot receive the email 收不到電郵?
Applicant's details
{{school_code=='sophiekg' ? '申請人資料' : (school_code == 'spcs' ? '學生資料' : '幼兒資料')}}
Parent's details
Other information
Confirm details

{{ form.pay_type == 'ONLINE_PAY' || getTabClass('payment') == 'active' ? '6' : '5' }}


Welcome to the online admission system of Asbury Methodist Kindergarten and Day Nursery. Please note the following application guidelines and statements before proceeding your online application: 歡迎報讀循道衛理聯合教會亞斯理幼稚園幼兒園,請於報名前細閱下列報名須知: Application period 報名時間 :
{{moment(app.app_start_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")}} - {{moment(app.app_end_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")}}
Application procedure 報名程序: Please prepare the following documents in softcopy before proceeding your online application (File format: jpeg, jpg or png; size limit for each file: 5MB): 填寫網上報名表格前,請準備以下文件之電子版本(檔案格式:jpeg, jpg或png;每個檔案上限為5MB):
-Student Birth Certificate
-Student Passport-sized Photo
-Student Immunization Record (Both sides included)
-Payment Confirmation of the application fee $40, e.g. Receipt, FPS, Autopay
報名費收據(報名費 $40)(如:「入數紙」、轉數快、自動轉帳繳費證明)
K1 application fee can be deposited to the Chong Hing Bank account of ASBURY METHODIST KINDERGARTEN (Account Number: 041-285-100100683)
N1 application fee can be deposited to the Chong Hing Bank account of ASBURY METHODIST DAY NURSERY (Account Number: 041-285-100100722)
Upon successful submission of your application, you will receive an application acknowledgement by email. Make sure to check both of your inbox and junk mailbox, if necessary. 完成報名程序後,家長登記的電郵戶口將會收到「確認成功完成報名程序」郵件。除收件箱外,請同時查閱電郵的收件郵箱及濫發郵件信箱。 You are welcomed to update your application with new information before the online application closes. Accessing by using the applicant’s date of birth, birth certificate number and the registered email address. 家長可利用已登記的出生日期、出生證明書登記編號及電郵地址,於報名時間完結前登入網上系統的「更改/列印資料」鍵以編輯或更改報名表內容。 Application fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred. 報名費不設退款或轉讓。 Note 註要: The information marked (*) are compulsory and must be provided in order for this application to be processed/accepted. 必須提供標有(*)的資料,否則此申請不能進行或被接納。
Online Application Form
Modify / Print Information
更改 / 列印資料

Applying for school year 申請報讀學年


Application form has not been released

The required enrolment age range is based on EDB

The date of birth entered must be correct


No application form available 沒有報名表開放


Part A 甲部 Applicant's Information 申請之幼兒資料

Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同


Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同

The student name must be the same as the one shown on the birth certificate

Flat/Unit 室
Floor 樓
Block 座
Building 大廈
Street No.,Road/Street/Housing Estate/Village
Region 區域 *
District 地區 *
Sub-districts 分區 *
Elder Brother 兄
Elder Sister 姊
Younger Brother 弟
Younger Sister 妹
Family Rank 在家排行名次:{{form.family.rank}}
Brother(s) 兄弟
Sister(s) 姐妹
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機

{{$index + 1}}
Prizes / Awards (獎品/獎項)
{{$index + 1}}
School Name & Date / 曾就讀學校及日期
Please remark the reason for applying whole day class
Why would you apply for the WD Session?(For choosing the WD Session as first priority)
閣下申請全日班的原因? (首選全日班適用)
Please select the language you would prefer for your child’s interview :
貴家長為子女選擇之面見語言: *
Applicants for the English - Putonghua Stream will be given an additional interview in Putonghua.
Select the language for the interview
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機
Do you want to get into a class in year {{form.pre_year_name}}?
是否想在{{form.pre_year_name}}年度插班 ?*

Yes 是


Part B 乙部 Parent/Guardian Information 父母/監護人資料

{{(relationship_list | filter:{ 'id' : parent.relation }:true)[0].name}}

Add Guardian (If any)
新增監護人(如有 )

Caregiver 照顧者:

Part C 丙部 Other Information 其他資料

{{$index + 1}}
Name 姓名
Class Level 年級
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
{{(item.relation=='MOTHER' || item.relation=='FATHER') && school_code !='tpbkg' ? 'Name in Chinese 中文姓名' : 'Name 姓名'}}
Name in English 英文姓名
Class 班別
Class 班別
Year of Leaving 離校年份
{{school_code=='amkg' ? 'Year of graduation 修畢學年': school_code=='skhkg' ? 'Year 年份' : (school_code=='ltlpn' ? 'Class/Year of graduate 班級/畢業年份' : 'Duration 畢業年份')}}
Year Of Graduation 畢業年份
Class/Duration 班別/畢業年份
Class 班別
Name of Kindergarten and Year of Graduation 畢業幼稚園及年份
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Membership No. 會員編號
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Type 類型
Type 類型
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name in Chinese 中文姓名
Name in English 英文姓名
Application number 申請編號
Name 姓名
Relationship 與申請者關係
Phone 電話
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Name of School 學校名稱

Class 班別
Duration 畢業年份

Part D 丁部

{{item.name_en ? item.name_en : ''}}

Part D 丁部 How did you know about our school 介紹來源

Part D 丁部 How did you hear about our school 您如何得知我們學校?

Payment 付款方式 *

1. Application Fee 報名費:$40
2. Payment method 付款方式:{{form.pay_type === "UPLOAD_BANKSLIP" ? 'Upload Payment Record上傳繳費證明' : 'Online Payment 網上付款'}}
The application fee can be paid by bank deposits, Jetco ATMs and FPS. Please put "application fee(Applicant's Name)" in the note box.
Bank 銀行名稱: Chong Hing Bank 創興銀行
Account Name 賬戶名稱:Asbury Methodist Kindergarten 循道衛理聯合教會亞斯理幼稚園
Account Number 賬戶號碼:041-285-100100683
Bank 銀行名稱: Chong Hing Bank 創興銀行
Account Name 賬戶名稱:Asbury Methodist Day Nursery 循道衛理聯合教會亞斯理幼兒園
Account Number 賬號:041-285-100100722

Bank 銀行:
{{bank.name+" "+bank.name_zh}}
Account Name 戶口名稱:
{{(bank.id == 3 && school_code=='wikg' ? 'Witty Kindergarten' : '') + ' ' + bank.account_name}}
Account No. 戶口號碼:

Only ATM deposit slip is accepted for the application fee

{{form.eng_name + ' ' + form.zh_name}}
{{item.eng_name + ' ' + item.zh_name}}

Interview Time 面試時間*

日期 Date 時段 Session

  1. 申請人必須在註明(*)之欄目,提供所需的個人資料。如未能提供,本校未必能處理有關入學申請。
  2. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,本申請表內有關個人資料將僅供本校作處理入學申請之用。在未得到申請人的同意之前,本校不會向第三者披露或轉移所收集得關於你的資料。
  3. 如入學申請不被接納,本校將銷毀一切有關個人資料;成功申請者個人資料將會存入學生檔案中,並由本校保管。
  4. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,申請人有權查閱及更改填報於申請表內的資料,並可索取此等資料的副本。申請人如須查閱或更改其個人資料,請致函告知本校。
  1. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide the personal data marked with (*). In the event that you do not provide such personal data, the kindergarten may not be able to process your application.
  2. According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the above Personal data provided will be used solely for the purpose of admission and in this connection the data will be handled by the kindergarten only. The information collected will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties without your prior consent.
  3. The application of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed. The application of successful candidates will become part of the student file, in connection with this data will thereafter be handled by the kindergarten.
  4. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights of access to and correction of the personal data contained in the application form, and the right to request a copy of such data. Applicants wishing to access or make corrections to the data should submit written requests to the Principal.

Part A 甲部 Applicant's Information 申請之幼兒資料

Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同


Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同

The student name must be the same as the one shown on the birth certificate

Flat/Unit 室
Floor 樓
Block 座
Building 大廈
Street No.,Road/Street/Housing Estate/Village
Region 區域 *
District 地區 *
Sub-districts 分區 *
Elder Brother 兄
Elder Sister 姊
Younger Brother 弟
Younger Sister 妹
Family Rank 在家排行名次:{{form.family.rank}}
Brother(s) 兄弟
Sister(s) 姐妹
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機

{{$index + 1}}
Prizes / Awards (獎品/獎項)
{{$index + 1}}
School Name & Date / 曾就讀學校及日期
Please remark the reason for applying whole day class
Why would you apply for the WD Session?(For choosing the WD Session as first priority)
閣下申請全日班的原因? (首選全日班適用)
Please select the language you would prefer for your child’s interview :
貴家長為子女選擇之面見語言: *
Applicants for the English - Putonghua Stream will be given an additional interview in Putonghua.
Select the language for the interview
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機
Do you want to get into a class in year {{form.pre_year_name}}?
是否想在{{form.pre_year_name}}年度插班 ?*

Yes 是


Part B 乙部 Parent/Guardian Information 父母/監護人資料

{{(relationship_list | filter:{ 'id' : parent.relation }:true)[0].name}}

Add Guardian (If any)
新增監護人(如有 )

Caregiver 照顧者:


Part C 丙部 Other Information 其他資料

{{$index + 1}}
Name 姓名
Class Level 年級
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
{{(item.relation=='MOTHER' || item.relation=='FATHER') && school_code !='tpbkg' ? 'Name in Chinese 中文姓名' : 'Name 姓名'}}
Name in English 英文姓名
Class 班別
Class 班別
Year of Leaving 離校年份
{{school_code=='amkg' ? 'Year of graduation 修畢學年': school_code=='skhkg' ? 'Year 年份' : (school_code=='ltlpn' ? 'Class/Year of graduate 班級/畢業年份' : 'Duration 畢業年份')}}
Year Of Graduation 畢業年份
Class/Duration 班別/畢業年份
Class 班別
Name of Kindergarten and Year of Graduation 畢業幼稚園及年份
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Membership No. 會員編號
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Type 類型
Type 類型
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name in Chinese 中文姓名
Name in English 英文姓名
Application number 申請編號
Name 姓名
Relationship 與申請者關係
Phone 電話
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Name of School 學校名稱

Class 班別
Duration 畢業年份

Part D 丁部

{{item.name_en ? item.name_en : ''}}

Part D 丁部 How did you know about our school 介紹來源

Part D 丁部 How did you hear about our school 您如何得知我們學校?


Payment 付款方式 *

1. Application Fee 報名費:$40
2. Payment method 付款方式:{{form.pay_type === "UPLOAD_BANKSLIP" ? 'Upload Payment Record上傳繳費證明' : 'Online Payment 網上付款'}}
The application fee can be paid by bank deposits, Jetco ATMs and FPS. Please put "application fee(Applicant's Name)" in the note box.
Bank 銀行名稱: Chong Hing Bank 創興銀行
Account Name 賬戶名稱:Asbury Methodist Kindergarten 循道衛理聯合教會亞斯理幼稚園
Account Number 賬戶號碼:041-285-100100683
Bank 銀行名稱: Chong Hing Bank 創興銀行
Account Name 賬戶名稱:Asbury Methodist Day Nursery 循道衛理聯合教會亞斯理幼兒園
Account Number 賬號:041-285-100100722

Bank 銀行:
{{bank.name+" "+bank.name_zh}}
Account Name 戶口名稱:
{{(bank.id == 3 && school_code=='wikg' ? 'Witty Kindergarten' : '') + ' ' + bank.account_name}}
Account No. 戶口號碼:

Only ATM deposit slip is accepted for the application fee

{{form.eng_name + ' ' + form.zh_name}}
{{item.eng_name + ' ' + item.zh_name}}

Interview Time 面試時間*

日期 Date 時段 Session

  1. 申請人必須在註明(*)之欄目,提供所需的個人資料。如未能提供,本校未必能處理有關入學申請。
  2. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,本申請表內有關個人資料將僅供本校作處理入學申請之用。在未得到申請人的同意之前,本校不會向第三者披露或轉移所收集得關於你的資料。
  3. 如入學申請不被接納,本校將銷毀一切有關個人資料;成功申請者個人資料將會存入學生檔案中,並由本校保管。
  4. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,申請人有權查閱及更改填報於申請表內的資料,並可索取此等資料的副本。申請人如須查閱或更改其個人資料,請致函告知本校。
  1. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide the personal data marked with (*). In the event that you do not provide such personal data, the kindergarten may not be able to process your application.
  2. According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the above Personal data provided will be used solely for the purpose of admission and in this connection the data will be handled by the kindergarten only. The information collected will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties without your prior consent.
  3. The application of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed. The application of successful candidates will become part of the student file, in connection with this data will thereafter be handled by the kindergarten.
  4. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the rights of access to and correction of the personal data contained in the application form, and the right to request a copy of such data. Applicants wishing to access or make corrections to the data should submit written requests to the Principal.

Your applications has been successfully submitted!

Your Application Number is:
An Application Acknowledgement has been sent to your registered email address.

