Applicant's Information 申請之幼兒資料
Name in Chinese 中文姓名:
Name in English 英文姓名:
Sex 性別:
Gender 性別:
Date of Birth 出生日期:
Time of Birth 出生時間:
{{!!form.birth_time ? form.birth_time.substring(0,5) :''}}
Place of Birth 出生地點:
{{getLangName('birth_place_list', form.birth_place)}}
Birth Cert. Registration No. 出生證明書登記編號:
{{getLangName('birth_place_list', form.cert_country)}}
Chinese Commercial Code 中文代碼:
Address 地址:
{{(school_code=='stcikg' || school_code=='stcikghp' || school_code=='spcs') ? getZhaddr(form) : form.zh_address}}
Correspondence Address 通訊地址:
Region 區域:
District 地區:
{{school_code=='stcikg' || school_code=='stcikghp' ? attach_district_list['_'+form.area].full_name : getLangName('district_list', form.area)}}
Address 地址:
Sub-districts 分區:
Ethnicity 種族:
{{!!form.nationality ? getLangName('ethnicity_list', form.nationality) : ''}}
Nationality 國籍:
{{!! ? getLangName('birth_place_list', : ''}}
Main Language Spoken at Home 在家常用語言:
{{getLangName('family_lang_list', form.family_lang)}}
Second Language 第二語言:
{{getLangName('family_lang_list', form.second_lang)}}
Preferred communication channel between parents and the school 家長建議與學校溝通方式:
Email Address 電郵地址:
Contact Telephone 聯絡電話:
{{!!form.tel_phone ? form.tel_phone : (school_code=='tlms' ? '不適用 Not Applicable' :'')}}
Mobile Tel. 手提電話:
Previous School(s) / Playgroup(s) Attended: 曾就讀之學校:
{{!!form.pre_school ? form.pre_school : (school_code=='tlms' ? '不適用 Not Applicable' :'') }}
Year Group Last Attended: 曾就讀班級:
{{!!form.pre_class ? form.pre_class : (school_code=='tlms' ? '不適用 Not Applicable' :'')}}
Reason for transferring school 轉校原因:
{{!!form.transfer_reason ? form.transfer_reason : (school_code=='tlms' ? '不適用 Not Applicable' :'')}}
Religion 宗教:
{{!!form.religion ? getLangName('religion_list', form.religion) : ''}}
Parish 堂區:
Baptismal Certificate No. 領洗證書編號:
Date of Baptism 領洗日期:
Name of Church 所屬教會:
Baptized 曾否洗禮:
{{!!form.is_baptismal ? getLangName('boolean_list', form.is_baptismal) : ''}}
Date of Baptised 受洗日期:
Family Status 家庭狀況:
{{ (school_code == 'spcs' ? 'Brother(s) 兄弟' : 'Elder Brother 兄 x ') +}}
{{ (school_code == 'spcs' ? 'Sister(s) 姐妹' : 'Elder Sister 姊 x ') +}}
{{'Younger Brother 弟 x ' +}}
{{'Younger Sister 妹 x ' +}}
No brothers or sisters 沒有兄弟姐妹
School attended 現正就讀之學校:
SPCS(Primary Section)聖保祿學校(小學部)
Other Primary School其他小學
Name of school attended in primary 6 現正就讀小六學校名稱:
P6 Class 就讀小六之班级:
Class No 班號:
Student Reference Number 學生編號(STRN):
Primary School Net 小學校網:
You are recommended by (if any) 您的推薦人(如有):
Name 姓名:{{form.recommend_name}}
Relationship 關係:{{form.recommend_relation}}
Remarks 備註:{{form.recommend_remark}}
No 無
Extra-curricular activities(Prizes / Awards) 課外活動(獎品/獎項):
{{getLangName('boolean_list2', form.is_awards)}}
Other schools attended & dates(if any) 其他曾就讀學校及日期(如有):
{{getLangName('boolean_list2', form.is_attend_school_name)}}
Family Rank 在家排行名次:
Brother(s) / Sister(s) studying School 兄/姊現就讀學校:
Household Members 同住家庭成員:
Any siblings applying at the same time? 是否有雙胞胎 / 多胞胎同時報名?
{{getLangName('boolean_list',}} {{!! ? '(' + + ')' : ''}}
Is school bus required ? 是否需要校巴接送?
{{getLangName('boolean_need_list', form.is_bus)}}
{{!!form.bus_location ? '(' + form.bus_location + ')' : ''}}
({{!!form.busNumber ? form.busNumber : ''}},{{!!form.busStop ? form.busStop : ''}})
Apply For 申請班級:
Apply For: 申請班級:
Class for application: 申請班級:
{{getLangName('class_type_list', form.class_type)}}
If the English-Putonghua stream is full, would you consider the English-Cantonese stream? 若幼兒(英普)班已滿額,是否考慮就讀幼兒(英粵)班?
{{!!form.is_class_type ? getLangName('boolean_list', form.is_class_type) : ''}}
Session Preference: 上課時間意願:
First choice: {{!!form.session_choice.split(",")[0] ? form.session_choice.split(",")[0] : ''}} session
Second choice: {{!!form.session_choice.split(",")[1] ? form.session_choice.split(",")[1] : ''}} session
Why would you apply for the WD Session? (For choosing the WD Session as first priority) 閣下申請全日班的原因? (首選全日班適用):
Please remark the reason for applying whole day class 為支援有需要家庭,請家長填寫需要入讀全日班原因:
{{!!form.transfer_reason ? form.transfer_reason : ''}}
Expected date of entry 擬申請入讀日期:
{{['sophiekg','llc','lltkg'].indexOf(school_code)!=-1 ? dateFormates('YYYY-mm',form.request_date) : form.request_date}}
Household Members 同住家庭成員:
If your preferred session is full, would you consider the other session? 若選擇之上課時段已滿額,是否考慮另一時段?
{{getLangName('boolean_list', form.is_accepted)}}
{{getLangName('boolean_list', form.is_accepted)}}
Please select the language you would prefer for your child’s interview. :
貴家長為子女選擇之面見語言 :
Select the language for the interview. :
請選擇面見時使用之語言 :
{{getLangName('interview_lang_list', form.interview_lang)}}
Interview Number. 面試編號 :
{{form.interview_number ? form.interview_number : ''}}
Do you want to get into a class in year {{form.pre_year_name}}? 是否想在{{form.pre_year_name}}年度插班 ? :
{{getLangName('boolean_list', form.is_insert_class)}}