Enrolment Form






Application form has not been released

Please verify your email 首次使用需驗證你的電郵
Verification code sent to 驗證碼已傳送到:
Verification code error 驗證碼錯誤
Cannot receive the email 收不到電郵?
Applicant's details
{{school_code=='sophiekg' ? '申請人資料' : (school_code == 'spcs' ? '學生資料' : '幼兒資料')}}
Parent's details
Other information
Confirm details

{{ form.pay_type == 'ONLINE_PAY' || getTabClass('payment') == 'active' ? '6' : '5' }}


We welcome your application for a place at Tsung Tsin Anglo-Chinese Speaking Stream Kindergarden. Please note the following application guidelines: 歡迎報讀崇真小學暨幼稚園,請於報名前細閱下列報名須知: Application period 報名時間 :
{{moment(app.app_start_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")}} - {{moment(app.app_end_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")}}
Application procedure 報名程序: Before completing an online application form, please prepare the following items: 填寫網上報名表格前,請準備以下文件:
  1. Student Photo (format: jpeg, jpg, png; size: 5MB) 幼兒近照 (檔案格式: jpeg , jpg , png ; 尺寸上限為5MB)
  2. Birth certificate (format: jpeg, jpg, png, pdf ; size:5MB) 出生證明書文件 (檔案格式: jpeg , jpg , png , pdf ; 尺寸上限為5MB)
  3. Bank Receipt of the application fee $40 銀行收據 (報名費 $40)
  4. After completing the application procedure, parents will receive a verification email. Please make sure to check your email inbox and junk mailbox, if necessary. 報名程序完成後,家長登記的電郵戶口將會收到「確認成功完成報名程序」郵件,請同時查閱電郵的收件郵箱及垃圾郵箱
  5. Parents can use the applicant’s date of birth, birth certificate number and the registered email address to amend the application form before the application deadline. 家長可利用已登記的出生日期、出生證明書登記編號及電郵地址,於報名時間完結前登入網上系統的「更改/列印資料」鍵以編輯或更改報名表內容。
  6. Application fees cannot be refunded or transferred. 報名費不設退款或轉讓
Note 註要: The (*) marked information are compulsory and must be provided in order for this application to be processed/accepted. 必須提供標有(*)的資料,否則此申請不能進行或被接納。 Information not marked with (*) are optional. Parent(s)/Applicant can decide whether or not to provide the information. 沒標有(*)的資料為非必要資料,家長/申請人可自行決定提供與否。
Online Application Form
Modify / Print Information
更改 / 列印資料

Applying for school year 申請報讀學年


Application form has not been released

The required enrolment age range is based on EDB

The date of birth entered must be correct


No application form available 沒有報名表開放


Part A 甲部 Applicant's Information 申請之幼兒資料

Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同


Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同

The student name must be the same as the one shown on the birth certificate

Flat/Unit 室
Floor 樓
Block 座
Building 大廈
Street No.,Road/Street/Housing Estate/Village
Region 區域 *
District 地區 *
Sub-districts 分區 *
Elder Brother 兄
Elder Sister 姊
Younger Brother 弟
Younger Sister 妹
Family Rank 在家排行名次:{{form.family.rank}}
Brother(s) 兄弟
Sister(s) 姐妹
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機

{{$index + 1}}
Prizes / Awards (獎品/獎項)
{{$index + 1}}
School Name & Date / 曾就讀學校及日期
Please remark the reason for applying whole day class
Why would you apply for the WD Session?(For choosing the WD Session as first priority)
閣下申請全日班的原因? (首選全日班適用)
Please select the language you would prefer for your child’s interview :
貴家長為子女選擇之面見語言: *
Applicants for the English - Putonghua Stream will be given an additional interview in Putonghua.
Select the language for the interview
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機
Do you want to get into a class in year {{form.pre_year_name}}?
是否想在{{form.pre_year_name}}年度插班 ?*

Yes 是


Part B 乙部 Parent/Guardian Information 父母/監護人資料

{{(relationship_list | filter:{ 'id' : parent.relation }:true)[0].name}}

Add Guardian (If any)
新增監護人(如有 )

Caregiver 照顧者:

Part C 丙部 Other Information 其他資料

{{$index + 1}}
Name 姓名
Class 班別
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
{{(item.relation=='MOTHER' || item.relation=='FATHER') && school_code !='tpbkg' ? 'Name in Chinese 中文姓名' : 'Name 姓名'}}
Name in English 英文姓名
Class 班別
Class 班別
Year of Leaving 離校年份
{{school_code=='amkg' ? 'Year of graduation 修畢學年': school_code=='skhkg' ? 'Year 年份' : (school_code=='ltlpn' ? 'Class/Year of graduate 班級/畢業年份' : 'Duration 畢業年份')}}
Year Of Graduation 畢業年份
Class/Duration 班別/畢業年份
Class 班別
Name of Kindergarten and Year of Graduation 畢業幼稚園及年份
{{$index + 1}}
Class 班別
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
School Type 學校類型
School Name 畢業學校
Duration 畢業年份
Name 姓名
Relationship 與申請者關係
Job title and organisation of referee
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Membership No. 會員編號
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Type 類型
Type 類型
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name in Chinese 中文姓名
Name in English 英文姓名
Name 姓名
Relationship 與申請者關係
Phone 電話
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Name of School 學校名稱

Class 班別
Duration 畢業年份

Part D 丁部

{{item.name_en ? item.name_en : ''}}

Part D 丁部 How did you know about our school 介紹來源

Part D 丁部 How did you hear about our school 您如何得知我們學校?

Payment 付款方式 *

Application Fee 報名費:HK$40
Payment method 付款方式:{{form.pay_type === "UPLOAD_BANKSLIP" ? 'Upload Bank Slip 上傳入數紙' : 'Online Payment 網上付款'}}

Bank 銀行:
{{bank.name+" "+bank.name_zh}}
Account Name 戶口名稱:
{{(bank.id == 3 && school_code=='wikg' ? 'Witty Kindergarten' : '') + ' ' + bank.account_name}}
Account No. 戶口號碼:

Only ATM deposit slip is accepted for the application fee

{{form.eng_name + ' ' + form.zh_name}}
{{item.eng_name + ' ' + item.zh_name}}

Interview Time 面試時間*

日期 Date 時段 Session
I acknowledge the admission procedure of your School, contents of which are fully understood and accepted.


「教養孩童,使他走當行的路,就是到老他也不偏離。」(聖經箴言22:6) 家校需攜手協作,方能讓孩子快樂健康地成長。故本校希望家長詳閱「學校與家長合作約章」內容,了解並遵行各項約定,共同教養孩童
  1. 高度保安:本校已於全部教室安裝地鐵公司提供的保安系統,於各個教室門口設置八達通聯網保安防護鎖限制進出人士(有關系統還能記錄學童恆常的學習活動之類別及次數)。此外,為加強校園保安,保障師生安全,本校已在校園走廊、操場及教室等必要場所增設閉路電視,以便在發生意外時迅速了解事件,調查成因,並作出進一步的檢討與跟進。
  2. 愛心關懷:本校之各項安排均以學童發展需要為依歸。
  3. 專業教導:教職員會以專業的知識、敬業樂業的精神教導學生。本校亦成立了「啟發潛能資優教育計劃」,為學生提供更適切的多元化教育。
  4. 優良環境:本校為學生提供整潔舒適的空間,讓學生在安全、理想的環境中學習。
  5. 公平開放:本校設立「家長教師會」,並舉辦家長小組,以兼聽開放的態度聽取家長的意見,與家長交流校政。
  6. 校本教育心理學家服務︰本校與基督教崇真中學聯合聘用之校本教育心理學家,會為已被評估為有特殊教育需要的學生,或被本校識別為懷疑有特殊教育需要的學生提供服務。有關服務會按既定程序安排,家長如懷疑子女有特殊教育需要,需先與班主任聯絡,經校方識別後,方獲安排相關服務。
  1. 每天最少30分鐘親子時間,適切地關懷孩子的情緒和需要。
  2. 支援孩子學習,培養孩子建立有規律的生活,陪伴孩子成長。
  3. 支持全人教育,協助孩子在德、智、體、群、美及靈各方面均衡發展。
  4. 積極參與學校舉辦的各項活動、家長講座及工作坊,並於恆常的親子活動中實踐所學。
  5. 貫徹校方推行的「兩文三語」政策,在家中藉親子互動遊戲加強孩子的語言學習能力。
  6. 認同學校的教育理念,配合學校課程及教學模式,樂於推動優質教學。
  7. 尊重教師的專業指導,並接受校方之教學及行政安排,包括︰班主任及科任老師編排、成績評估及資源分配等,以照顧整體學生的利益。
  8. 尊重校內支援人員(包括︰全體教職員、清潔人員、私家褓姆車司機及褓姆等),以彼此尊重的態度及言語溝通,作子女的榜樣,協助孩子建立優良品格。
  9. 如遇任何困難,善用與校方交流合作的機制與平台,主動與班主任溝通,以了解孩子的需要,尋求妥善的解決方法,共同輔助孩子成長。
  10. 請家長以正面的方式善用網絡社交平台,拒絕發放任何未經查證或含有侮辱成分的言論,損害校方、家長或學生的聲譽。謹此提醒家長,有意或無意經網絡途徑發布不實或損害他人權益的言論也需要負法律責任。
  11. 學校重視學生學習進度,無故缺課會阻礙子女的學習和造成適應上的困難,故必須讓子女培養定時上學的良好習慣。如學生因病缺席,需於翌日交回請假信及醫生證明。家長亦請查看校曆表,切勿於學生上課日安排旅遊或探親等活動,否則作曠課論。有關缺席記錄將反映於學生表現評估表上。
  12. 切實配合校方管理學生之行為,教導孩子遵守校規。
  13. 指導子女保持正確的行為操守。如學生之違規行為損害學校聲譽、對其他人士造成傷害或對校園安全構成威脅,校方有權要求該名學生即時停學,期間,學生必須於家中反思及接受有關方面之家庭教導。如情況未有改善,校方可開除該名學生之學籍。
  14. 按時繳交所有費用,包括︰學費及雜費等。因本校校舍獲深水埗崇真堂免除租金,校內所收學費及雜費會用作支付教職員薪金,餘款撥入學校發展基金,用以提升校內環境、設施及資源,優化「學與教」之成效。

Home-school Collaboration Agreement

8th June, 2018
‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.’ Proverbs 22:6 solidly affirms that school and parental collaboration plays an essential role in the spiritual maturation and personal growth of children. Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten is one big family. We hope that parents would read thoroughly and comply with the Home-school Collaboration Agreement, so as to foster our co-operation in providing a quality learning environment for the children.
School Commitment
  1. Security– In keeping with the aim of reinforcing the school security to safeguard the safety of our students and staff members, the Octopus Security System provided by the MTR is installed in the School. The classrooms are equipped with security protection locks positioned at each classroom door. (The system is used to record the frequency rate and progress of different learning activities undertaken by the children as well.) A CCTV extension has been implemented along the corridors, in the playgrounds, classrooms and other necessary areas around the campus. With the aid of CCTV, the School will be able to capture useful images and make immediate response and thorough follow-ups when incidents occur.
  2. Caring– We love and care for the children with tenderness, affection, and patience based on their needs and situation.
  3. Teaching– Our School embraces an all-round education and provides a multi-faceted learning environment for the children with a variety of extra-curricular activities such as ‘Talent Enhancement Programme’ through our professional knowledge, dedication and spirit.
  4. Environment– We observe the safety regulations and health guidelines to ensure that children learn in a clean, safe and healthy environment.
  5. Democracy– We have established the ‘Parent-teacher Association’ and provide various channels including cell group for parents to express their views and for the School to follow up the views effectively, thereby creating a culture of open discussion.
  6. School-based educational psychological service– Working for both our School and Tsung Tsin Christian Academy, the school-based educational psychologist renders professional support and service for students with special educational needs students with suspected special educational needs. Parents who want to seek help from our School about their children’s learning needs shall contact the class teacher and their children will be arranged to undertake an assessment to identify their conditions and needs for the service.
Parents’ Agreement
We believe that only if the School and parents maintain a close and effective cooperation will our students be educated in a positive and proper manner. Therefore, parents are strongly advised to observe the following conditions. If parents prefer otherwise, you may reconsider your children’s application to our School.
  1. Understand child development and listen to your child’s feelings, needs, and concerns. Set aside at least 30 minutes every day to interact with your child.
  2. Help your child establish good learning attitudes and self-discipline.
  3. Be committed to the moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development of your child to support the practice of holistic education.
  4. Be engaged in school activities such as parents’ talks and workshops and integrate useful related knowledge into practice.
  5. It is our mission to enable students to be ‘biliterate and trilingual’ throughout their kindergarten and primary education. The use of English and Putonghua is encouraged not only in class but also in daily communication and interaction.
  6. Parents agree with the School’s educational concept by accepting its aim, curriculum and program of study.
  7. Show respect for teachers’ professional guidance, school administration and concepts of teaching, including the duty allocation of class teachers and subject teachers, academic assessment and resource allocation to accommodate the needs of students.
  8. Show respect for the supporting staff including teachers, cleaning staff, private light bus drivers/helpers and office staff, etc. Parents have enormous influence on children's attitude and behaviour in the way they treat others. We encourage parents to treat others in the way that they would like to be treated.
  9. The School adopts an effective communication mechanism between parents and the School. Parents are encouraged to direct misunderstandings or seek appropriate parenting solutions from class teachers through various channels.
  10. Parents should make sensible and effective use of the social networking platforms and do not publish or forward unverified messages.A person may face legal liabilities if he/she is found making defamatory, offensive or negative statements about the school, the teachers or any other individual connected to the School on any social networking platforms.
  11. Regular attendance at school is vitally important as it will affect a child's academic progress and the development of integrity and positive attitudes. Therefore, it is important for children to develop regular attendance habits at an early age. In case of sickness, a written explanation for a leave of absence and medical proof must be presented for the day of the absence. Vacations and trips are not excusable absences when school is in session. If the reason(s) of the personal leave request is(are) not accepted, students will be considered violating the school leave regulations or playing truant. The record will be made on the report card.
  12. Adhere to school rules and reinforce the importance of self-discipline and conduct.
  13. The school and parents should work together to promote positive behaviour. If a student’s misbehaviour damages the school’s reputation, causes harm to others or poses a threat to the school community, it may be necessary for the School to consider an immediate suspension(parents/ guardians should exercise their responsibility by helping to address children’s misbehaviour during the suspension period). Being expelled is one consideration if guarantees of reasonable behaviour following repeated suspensions are not forthcoming or are not being met.
  14. Parents undertake to pay all expenses on time, including school fees and other miscellaneous charges. The rent of our school premises has been exempted by Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shamshuipo Church and part of the school fees and other miscellaneous fees are used to pay for staff salaries. The balance of all income and expenses is put in the School Development Fund to upgrade the School environment, facilities and optimise the learning/teaching resources.
For your child to develop and become an active, enthusiastic learner, the Agreement aims to practise what you preach. With your full participation, we address the needs of different students and strive to promote a favourable, safe and fair learning environment. Remember, the efforts you sow today plant for the bright future of your child!
Yours sincerely,
Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten
I have read and understand the contents of the 'HOME-SCHOOL COLLABORATION AGREEMENT'. I appreciate the educational concept of your School and am pleased to follow the rules mentioned above. In the event of any disputes or difference of opinions with the home-school collaboration in the future, the Executive Committee of Parent-teacher Association reserves the right to make the final decision, to which both the School and parents have to oblige.本人已細閱及明白 貴校「學校與家長合作約章」之內容,並樂意遵守相關細則及認同學校的教育理念。假若就家校協作持有不同的意見,本人願意接受「崇真小學暨幼稚園家長教師會執行委員會」的議決方案,學校及家長將會遵從議決之安排,不得異議。


根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》第18及22條以及附表1的第6原則,閣下有權要求查閱個人資料及更正有關資料。如閣下有任何疑問,請電郵至[email protected]或致電2777-3679聯絡校務處職員。

Use of Personal Data Statement

To keep you updated on our latest news, we are asking for your permission to send you other school information not pertaining to admission application during the application period (from the date of application submission to the start of school in September next year). The information includes activities, programmes, events, talks, and survey of ‘Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten’, ‘Sham Tsung Educational Services Company Limited’ (Affiliated to Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shamshuipo Church), ‘Shamshuipo Tsung Tsin Church Affiliated Schools Alumni Limited’, and ‘Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shamshuipo Church’. Please select the ‘agree’ option if you agree to receive the above information via the contact method you provided. If you do not wish to receive the above information not pertaining to admission application, please select the ‘do not agree’ option. The contact details you provided (including email address, correspondence address, mobile phone number, telephone number, and fax number) will be handled in accordance with your indicated preference on the Use of Personal Data Statement. Please be assured that all your contact details stored in our school are treated in strict confidence. The data will not be sold, traded, or rented in any forms through any means to any other parties.
Under Articles 18 and 22 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Principle 6 of Schedule 1, you have rights of access to and correction of your personal data. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact our school office staff at 2777-3679 or [email protected].

Part A 甲部 Applicant's Information 申請之幼兒資料

Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同


Same as Birth Certificate 必須與出世紙資料相同

The student name must be the same as the one shown on the birth certificate

Flat/Unit 室
Floor 樓
Block 座
Building 大廈
Street No.,Road/Street/Housing Estate/Village
Region 區域 *
District 地區 *
Sub-districts 分區 *
Elder Brother 兄
Elder Sister 姊
Younger Brother 弟
Younger Sister 妹
Family Rank 在家排行名次:{{form.family.rank}}
Brother(s) 兄弟
Sister(s) 姐妹
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機

{{$index + 1}}
Prizes / Awards (獎品/獎項)
{{$index + 1}}
School Name & Date / 曾就讀學校及日期
Please remark the reason for applying whole day class
Why would you apply for the WD Session?(For choosing the WD Session as first priority)
閣下申請全日班的原因? (首選全日班適用)
Please select the language you would prefer for your child’s interview :
貴家長為子女選擇之面見語言: *
Applicants for the English - Putonghua Stream will be given an additional interview in Putonghua.
Select the language for the interview
(Parent, Amah, Friend or School bus driver)
家長, 傭人, 朋友或校車司機
Do you want to get into a class in year {{form.pre_year_name}}?
是否想在{{form.pre_year_name}}年度插班 ?*

Yes 是


Part B 乙部 Parent/Guardian Information 父母/監護人資料

{{(relationship_list | filter:{ 'id' : parent.relation }:true)[0].name}}

Add Guardian (If any)
新增監護人(如有 )

Caregiver 照顧者:


Part C 丙部 Other Information 其他資料

{{$index + 1}}
Name 姓名
Class 班別
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
{{(item.relation=='MOTHER' || item.relation=='FATHER') && school_code !='tpbkg' ? 'Name in Chinese 中文姓名' : 'Name 姓名'}}
Name in English 英文姓名
Class 班別
Class 班別
Year of Leaving 離校年份
{{school_code=='amkg' ? 'Year of graduation 修畢學年': school_code=='skhkg' ? 'Year 年份' : (school_code=='ltlpn' ? 'Class/Year of graduate 班級/畢業年份' : 'Duration 畢業年份')}}
Year Of Graduation 畢業年份
Class/Duration 班別/畢業年份
Class 班別
Name of Kindergarten and Year of Graduation 畢業幼稚園及年份
{{$index + 1}}
Class 班別
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
School Type 學校類型
School Name 畢業學校
Duration 畢業年份
Name 姓名
Relationship 與申請者關係
Job title and organisation of referee
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Membership No. 會員編號
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Type 類型
Type 類型
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name in Chinese 中文姓名
Name in English 英文姓名
Name 姓名
Relationship 與申請者關係
Phone 電話
{{$index + 1}}
Relationship 與申請者關係
Name 姓名
Name of School 學校名稱

Class 班別
Duration 畢業年份

Part D 丁部

{{item.name_en ? item.name_en : ''}}

Part D 丁部 How did you know about our school 介紹來源

Part D 丁部 How did you hear about our school 您如何得知我們學校?


Payment 付款方式 *

Application Fee 報名費:HK$40
Payment method 付款方式:{{form.pay_type === "UPLOAD_BANKSLIP" ? 'Upload Bank Slip 上傳入數紙' : 'Online Payment 網上付款'}}

Bank 銀行:
{{bank.name+" "+bank.name_zh}}
Account Name 戶口名稱:
{{(bank.id == 3 && school_code=='wikg' ? 'Witty Kindergarten' : '') + ' ' + bank.account_name}}
Account No. 戶口號碼:

Only ATM deposit slip is accepted for the application fee

{{form.eng_name + ' ' + form.zh_name}}
{{item.eng_name + ' ' + item.zh_name}}

Interview Time 面試時間*

日期 Date 時段 Session
I acknowledge the admission procedure of your School, contents of which are fully understood and accepted.


「教養孩童,使他走當行的路,就是到老他也不偏離。」(聖經箴言22:6) 家校需攜手協作,方能讓孩子快樂健康地成長。故本校希望家長詳閱「學校與家長合作約章」內容,了解並遵行各項約定,共同教養孩童
  1. 高度保安:本校已於全部教室安裝地鐵公司提供的保安系統,於各個教室門口設置八達通聯網保安防護鎖限制進出人士(有關系統還能記錄學童恆常的學習活動之類別及次數)。此外,為加強校園保安,保障師生安全,本校已在校園走廊、操場及教室等必要場所增設閉路電視,以便在發生意外時迅速了解事件,調查成因,並作出進一步的檢討與跟進。
  2. 愛心關懷:本校之各項安排均以學童發展需要為依歸。
  3. 專業教導:教職員會以專業的知識、敬業樂業的精神教導學生。本校亦成立了「啟發潛能資優教育計劃」,為學生提供更適切的多元化教育。
  4. 優良環境:本校為學生提供整潔舒適的空間,讓學生在安全、理想的環境中學習。
  5. 公平開放:本校設立「家長教師會」,並舉辦家長小組,以兼聽開放的態度聽取家長的意見,與家長交流校政。
  6. 校本教育心理學家服務︰本校與基督教崇真中學聯合聘用之校本教育心理學家,會為已被評估為有特殊教育需要的學生,或被本校識別為懷疑有特殊教育需要的學生提供服務。有關服務會按既定程序安排,家長如懷疑子女有特殊教育需要,需先與班主任聯絡,經校方識別後,方獲安排相關服務。
  1. 每天最少30分鐘親子時間,適切地關懷孩子的情緒和需要。
  2. 支援孩子學習,培養孩子建立有規律的生活,陪伴孩子成長。
  3. 支持全人教育,協助孩子在德、智、體、群、美及靈各方面均衡發展。
  4. 積極參與學校舉辦的各項活動、家長講座及工作坊,並於恆常的親子活動中實踐所學。
  5. 貫徹校方推行的「兩文三語」政策,在家中藉親子互動遊戲加強孩子的語言學習能力。
  6. 認同學校的教育理念,配合學校課程及教學模式,樂於推動優質教學。
  7. 尊重教師的專業指導,並接受校方之教學及行政安排,包括︰班主任及科任老師編排、成績評估及資源分配等,以照顧整體學生的利益。
  8. 尊重校內支援人員(包括︰全體教職員、清潔人員、私家褓姆車司機及褓姆等),以彼此尊重的態度及言語溝通,作子女的榜樣,協助孩子建立優良品格。
  9. 如遇任何困難,善用與校方交流合作的機制與平台,主動與班主任溝通,以了解孩子的需要,尋求妥善的解決方法,共同輔助孩子成長。
  10. 請家長以正面的方式善用網絡社交平台,拒絕發放任何未經查證或含有侮辱成分的言論,損害校方、家長或學生的聲譽。謹此提醒家長,有意或無意經網絡途徑發布不實或損害他人權益的言論也需要負法律責任。
  11. 學校重視學生學習進度,無故缺課會阻礙子女的學習和造成適應上的困難,故必須讓子女培養定時上學的良好習慣。如學生因病缺席,需於翌日交回請假信及醫生證明。家長亦請查看校曆表,切勿於學生上課日安排旅遊或探親等活動,否則作曠課論。有關缺席記錄將反映於學生表現評估表上。
  12. 切實配合校方管理學生之行為,教導孩子遵守校規。
  13. 指導子女保持正確的行為操守。如學生之違規行為損害學校聲譽、對其他人士造成傷害或對校園安全構成威脅,校方有權要求該名學生即時停學,期間,學生必須於家中反思及接受有關方面之家庭教導。如情況未有改善,校方可開除該名學生之學籍。
  14. 按時繳交所有費用,包括︰學費及雜費等。因本校校舍獲深水埗崇真堂免除租金,校內所收學費及雜費會用作支付教職員薪金,餘款撥入學校發展基金,用以提升校內環境、設施及資源,優化「學與教」之成效。

Home-school Collaboration Agreement

8th June, 2018
‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.’ Proverbs 22:6 solidly affirms that school and parental collaboration plays an essential role in the spiritual maturation and personal growth of children. Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten is one big family. We hope that parents would read thoroughly and comply with the Home-school Collaboration Agreement, so as to foster our co-operation in providing a quality learning environment for the children.
School Commitment
  1. Security– In keeping with the aim of reinforcing the school security to safeguard the safety of our students and staff members, the Octopus Security System provided by the MTR is installed in the School. The classrooms are equipped with security protection locks positioned at each classroom door. (The system is used to record the frequency rate and progress of different learning activities undertaken by the children as well.) A CCTV extension has been implemented along the corridors, in the playgrounds, classrooms and other necessary areas around the campus. With the aid of CCTV, the School will be able to capture useful images and make immediate response and thorough follow-ups when incidents occur.
  2. Caring– We love and care for the children with tenderness, affection, and patience based on their needs and situation.
  3. Teaching– Our School embraces an all-round education and provides a multi-faceted learning environment for the children with a variety of extra-curricular activities such as ‘Talent Enhancement Programme’ through our professional knowledge, dedication and spirit.
  4. Environment– We observe the safety regulations and health guidelines to ensure that children learn in a clean, safe and healthy environment.
  5. Democracy– We have established the ‘Parent-teacher Association’ and provide various channels including cell group for parents to express their views and for the School to follow up the views effectively, thereby creating a culture of open discussion.
  6. School-based educational psychological service– Working for both our School and Tsung Tsin Christian Academy, the school-based educational psychologist renders professional support and service for students with special educational needs students with suspected special educational needs. Parents who want to seek help from our School about their children’s learning needs shall contact the class teacher and their children will be arranged to undertake an assessment to identify their conditions and needs for the service.
Parents’ Agreement
We believe that only if the School and parents maintain a close and effective cooperation will our students be educated in a positive and proper manner. Therefore, parents are strongly advised to observe the following conditions. If parents prefer otherwise, you may reconsider your children’s application to our School.
  1. Understand child development and listen to your child’s feelings, needs, and concerns. Set aside at least 30 minutes every day to interact with your child.
  2. Help your child establish good learning attitudes and self-discipline.
  3. Be committed to the moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development of your child to support the practice of holistic education.
  4. Be engaged in school activities such as parents’ talks and workshops and integrate useful related knowledge into practice.
  5. It is our mission to enable students to be ‘biliterate and trilingual’ throughout their kindergarten and primary education. The use of English and Putonghua is encouraged not only in class but also in daily communication and interaction.
  6. Parents agree with the School’s educational concept by accepting its aim, curriculum and program of study.
  7. Show respect for teachers’ professional guidance, school administration and concepts of teaching, including the duty allocation of class teachers and subject teachers, academic assessment and resource allocation to accommodate the needs of students.
  8. Show respect for the supporting staff including teachers, cleaning staff, private light bus drivers/helpers and office staff, etc. Parents have enormous influence on children's attitude and behaviour in the way they treat others. We encourage parents to treat others in the way that they would like to be treated.
  9. The School adopts an effective communication mechanism between parents and the School. Parents are encouraged to direct misunderstandings or seek appropriate parenting solutions from class teachers through various channels.
  10. Parents should make sensible and effective use of the social networking platforms and do not publish or forward unverified messages.A person may face legal liabilities if he/she is found making defamatory, offensive or negative statements about the school, the teachers or any other individual connected to the School on any social networking platforms.
  11. Regular attendance at school is vitally important as it will affect a child's academic progress and the development of integrity and positive attitudes. Therefore, it is important for children to develop regular attendance habits at an early age. In case of sickness, a written explanation for a leave of absence and medical proof must be presented for the day of the absence. Vacations and trips are not excusable absences when school is in session. If the reason(s) of the personal leave request is(are) not accepted, students will be considered violating the school leave regulations or playing truant. The record will be made on the report card.
  12. Adhere to school rules and reinforce the importance of self-discipline and conduct.
  13. The school and parents should work together to promote positive behaviour. If a student’s misbehaviour damages the school’s reputation, causes harm to others or poses a threat to the school community, it may be necessary for the School to consider an immediate suspension(parents/ guardians should exercise their responsibility by helping to address children’s misbehaviour during the suspension period). Being expelled is one consideration if guarantees of reasonable behaviour following repeated suspensions are not forthcoming or are not being met.
  14. Parents undertake to pay all expenses on time, including school fees and other miscellaneous charges. The rent of our school premises has been exempted by Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shamshuipo Church and part of the school fees and other miscellaneous fees are used to pay for staff salaries. The balance of all income and expenses is put in the School Development Fund to upgrade the School environment, facilities and optimise the learning/teaching resources.
For your child to develop and become an active, enthusiastic learner, the Agreement aims to practise what you preach. With your full participation, we address the needs of different students and strive to promote a favourable, safe and fair learning environment. Remember, the efforts you sow today plant for the bright future of your child!
Yours sincerely,
Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten
I have read and understand the contents of the 'HOME-SCHOOL COLLABORATION AGREEMENT'. I appreciate the educational concept of your School and am pleased to follow the rules mentioned above. In the event of any disputes or difference of opinions with the home-school collaboration in the future, the Executive Committee of Parent-teacher Association reserves the right to make the final decision, to which both the School and parents have to oblige.本人已細閱及明白 貴校「學校與家長合作約章」之內容,並樂意遵守相關細則及認同學校的教育理念。假若就家校協作持有不同的意見,本人願意接受「崇真小學暨幼稚園家長教師會執行委員會」的議決方案,學校及家長將會遵從議決之安排,不得異議。


根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》第18及22條以及附表1的第6原則,閣下有權要求查閱個人資料及更正有關資料。如閣下有任何疑問,請電郵至[email protected]或致電2777-3679聯絡校務處職員。

Use of Personal Data Statement

To keep you updated on our latest news, we are asking for your permission to send you other school information not pertaining to admission application during the application period (from the date of application submission to the start of school in September next year). The information includes activities, programmes, events, talks, and survey of ‘Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten’, ‘Sham Tsung Educational Services Company Limited’ (Affiliated to Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shamshuipo Church), ‘Shamshuipo Tsung Tsin Church Affiliated Schools Alumni Limited’, and ‘Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Shamshuipo Church’. Please select the ‘agree’ option if you agree to receive the above information via the contact method you provided. If you do not wish to receive the above information not pertaining to admission application, please select the ‘do not agree’ option. The contact details you provided (including email address, correspondence address, mobile phone number, telephone number, and fax number) will be handled in accordance with your indicated preference on the Use of Personal Data Statement. Please be assured that all your contact details stored in our school are treated in strict confidence. The data will not be sold, traded, or rented in any forms through any means to any other parties.
Under Articles 18 and 22 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Principle 6 of Schedule 1, you have rights of access to and correction of your personal data. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact our school office staff at 2777-3679 or [email protected].

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